The Voice Teens Sri Lanka – YouTube channel
Public audition TV program. Here is the value to take on a dream. Let’s watch the dream that you challenged and grabbed on this program.
The Voice Teens Sri Lanka
- | Blind Auditions |
- | The Battles |
- | Knockouts |
| Blind Auditions |
Blind Auditions
The Voice One of the most successful reality TV formats in the world.

Sahangi Hansanjali | Kiththane (කිත්තානේ)
Blind Auditions

Sachintha Deshan | Kimada Nawe (කිමද නාවේ)
Blind Auditions

Tharindi Mekala | Dasabaladari (දසබලධාරී)
Blind Auditions
Good music enriches the mind. The richer the heart, the more wonderful it is. Once so many great things have been created and reach everyone, you don’t have to fight. Without conflict, war will disappear from all over the world.
| Blind Auditions |